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Therapy For Moms
Whether you are looking for a postpartum therapist or need support in navigating motherhood with older children, working with a specialized therapist for moms can support you in any stage of parenting. The role of mothers is romanticized, portrayed as full of joy and nurturing. However, there are so many challenges to being a mother because having a child changes every single aspect of your life…forever!
Trauma Therapist
For Mothers
Very often when I work with mothers, there is a component of grief counseling or I find myself in the role of trauma therapist.
As a mother, you are not a blank slate. You are entering this role with your own history. Sometimes that includes a history of pain and loss.
Maybe you lost a parent or loved one. Maybe it was difficult to feel safe growing up. Maybe you weren’t sure when your parents would be there to comfort and soothe you.
These old wounds can be triggered when dealing with the intense emotions of pregnancy and parenting. This can feel overwhelming, anxiety provoking and lead to parenting through fear.
You may be feeling rageful, unsure of yourself, overwhelmed, excessively guilty and unfulfilled. You may have trouble sleeping because your thoughts are racing at night and it leaves you exhausted. If you find yourself feeling this way, you may benefit from grief counseling or working with a trauma therapist.
How Can Working
With A Therapist For
Moms Help?
Working with a specialized therapist for moms can help you work through these feelings of grief, loss, trauma and pain.
You can improve self-esteem, confidence, energy, sleep and find balance. It can help you improve your boundaries with your family and identify how to care for yourself. It can improve physical and emotional health, empowering you to be your best self.
Your journey as a mother actually started back when you were a child, learning how to give and receive love. Working with a therapist for moms offers a safe space for you to process your own childhood trauma and equips you with the skills to navigate parenting challenges in order to foster healthier, happier family connections.
What Does Therapy for
Moms Include?
Learning how to overcome growing up in a dysfunctional family
Individual Therapy for Relationship Issues
Making new friends
Empty Nest Syndrome
Preventing mom burnout
Work-life balance
Identifying who you are outside of being a mom
How to Get Started
In Therapy
I know getting started in therapy can feel a bit overwhelming. To help ease the process, I like to offer a free 15 minute phone consultation. Schedule your consultation now by checking out my calendar for upcoming consultation appointments. You can also contact me directly via email to schedule a consultation. I look forward to speaking with you.
Sarah Rizvi, PhD
Ph: 408-459-6246
Email: srizvi@sarahrizviphd.com