I offer a safe space for mothers to process their own childhood trauma, equip them with skills to navigate parenting challenges, and foster healthier, happier family connections.

Do I Need A Trauma Therapist?

Many people assume they don’t need a trauma therapist because they have never been

through an accident or disaster. However, trauma comes in all shapes and sizes, and

often the families we grew up in can be a source of trauma and pain. Often, the

heightened emotions around pregnancy and childrearing can bring up some of those

old, uncomfortable feelings and a trauma therapist can help support you in navigating this experience.

  • Being on Guard

    Feeling Restless or “on edge”

    Trouble Seeping

    Trouble Concentrating

    Irritability or Anger



Can a Postpartum Depression Therapist Help Me?

We all expect motherhood to be challenging, but a postpartum

depression therapist can help when you are really struggling. Often

people confuse postpartum depression for baby blues, so being

evaluated by a postpartum depression therapist can help you

understand what you’re experiencing.

  • Feeling Hopeless

    Feeling Like a Terrible Mother

    Feeling Guilty

    Feeling Unmotivated

    Mood Swings


    Feeling Overwhelmed

    Irritability or Sadness

    Issues with Appetite

    Trouble Sleeping

Why Talk to a Postpartum Anxiety Therapist?

New moms expect to be stressed out, but postpartum anxiety is when your

symptoms are making it difficult to function. A postpartum anxiety therapist

can help you manage these symptoms and get back to a full life.

  • Racing Heart

    Can’t Leave Baby With Trusted Others

    Thoughts of Death

    Restless or Agitated

    Avoiding Driving or Leaving Home

    Difficulty Sleeping

    Anxiety or Panic Attacks

Do I need a Pregnancy Therapist?

The support of a pregnancy therapist can be helpful for many

women. During pregnancy, a woman is undergoing many

biological, psychological and social changes and a pregnancy

therapist can help navigate those changes.

  • If you have a history of depression

    If you have a history of anxiety

    If you have recently experienced a loss

    If you want to learn to manage stress

    If your previous pregnancy/pregnancies were challenging

    If you have a chronic medical condition (high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic pain, etc…)